10 Lessons To Help You Succeed in This World


1. Start Your Day With a Task Completed

✔️Lesson number one is to start the day by ticking off a straightforward task, such as making our beds.

This simple act of making your bed gives you hope, and symbolizes your discipline and determination to get better.

2. No Person is an Island

🫂No matter how independent you are, the truth is that you can’t go it alone.

All of us experience life’s tough times, but we shouldn’t feel like we need to navigate them by ourselves.

3. Accept That Life’s Not Fair

👉Sometimes life isn’t fair or reasonable.

We don’t have to like this reality, but we have to accept it, and know that we only cause ourselves more suffering if we stay on the blame train.

We can either complain or take the hit and carry on.

4. What Doesn’t Kill You Will Only Make You Stronger

✌️Failure makes us stronger.

It’s a hard truth that no matter how hard we try, we’ll all face failure at some stage. However, we don’t have to fear failure, or feel defeated by it.

5. Dare Greatly

⚫️Have you ever jumped headfirst into anything?

If we always play it safe and continuously try to mitigate potential struggle, humiliation, or failure, we will find it hard to reach our potential.

6. Make Courage Your Friend

☑️When we’re most scared, we need to find the courage to help us surmount obstacles to achieve our goals.

When life throws us with what often feels like insurmountable challenges:

Hold onto courage and keep swimming.

7. Rise to the Occasion

💎 It’s often the darkest moments that reveal our most profound strength.

It’s always worth remembering that there will be moments in life where our spirit feels crushed, and It’s these moments that call on us to search for the best in us.

8. Give People Hope

🌱Hope is something that a lot of us cling on to. We can also inspire hope and be strong for others.

McRaven says, “If you want to change the world, start singing when you’re up to your neck in the mud.”

9. Never, Ever Quit

⛔And, never ever quit. If you want to change the world, don’t ever, ever ring the bell.

If you do quit, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

10. True Leaders Must Learn From Their Failures

True leaders must learn from their failures, use the lessons to motivate themselves, and not be afraid to try again or make the next tough decision.
