Be The Change You Want To See In This Freaking World

In everything you do , do it with a kind heart please never think you are better than every one around you because we all have one life and we all head the same direction, you might not know it yet but we all are the same , yeah the freaking same.

See i used to think i'm better than everyone else till life taught me a good freaking lesson, the lesson of life, i thought i knew what life was , thought i was somehow better but hell no, was lying myself all my life, all i wanna say is i lived a life of lies thinking my friends was real and that they really cared, but trust me we don't have friends, all we've got is bunch of enemies trying to hide their hatred in their fake skin.

Please , please don't waste your lil time trying to please someone because at the end of the day all you got is you, only you, yes you are all alone in this .. like they say you came here alone and you will leave this freaking world alone.

Dream big, do big, live your life because whatever make you smile is all that matters, always be kind to everybody because you never know who can help you big in the future times, your worst enemy can turn out to be the helpful hand you ever thought you could get, and what you call friends will always disappoint and leave you with regrets.
We only have one life, live it wisely and avoid drugs at all cost please never take them because if you take them your life will change and you will never be the same again, if your friends tell you to use them reply with a simple ''NO'' and walk away while you still can, because everyone who ever tried drugs killed his/her future, skills and talents gone to ashes and families torn apart .

Life is Precious, if you are doing something you like, well great! do it with all your heart, if you want to change something, change it but please never regret anything just because you did something without thinking, think before you react and always react after thinking deeply and carefully.

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you will need people to adore you, love you but always remember that love is an illusion to just waste your time and make you so vulnerable, Give love and don't expect it in return because you will never get it, Yeah the only love you can be sure of is Maternal love, other kind of love don't exist, they last like a battery and at one time they became extinct.

All my life i have been searching for love, till now i haven't found it yet and i'm exhausted , i don't know if i can continue because time don't come back and i wasted a lot of it, so i'm just gonna sit here and do my thing, love myself, take good care of me and be kind all the time.

like i told you before, Dream big , do it bigger because there is a special reason you are still here standing when others are dying and buried, think wisely and everyday make a difference, try to be the change you need to see in this world, because i believe that one man can change this world: Love and don't expect to be loved back.

Written by Kagame Karekezi Fred.
